Ms Julie Kohls
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Part of the group
information to guide your decision making about treatment & to help you plan your recovery
Ankle Arthroscopy for Ankle Arthritis

Ankle Arthroscopy
What exactly is key hole surgery on the ankle?
Key hole surgery is another name for an arthroscopy. During an ankle arthroscopy the surgeon looks inside the ankle joint.
Two instruments (about the thickness of a biro) are inserted into the ankle. One of the instruments is a small camera. The other instrument allows the surgeon to treat problems found within the ankle joint.
Key hole surgery is an excellent way of removing anything that has formed in the ankle that should not be there.
The surgeon can remove:
Scar tissue from inside the joint
Loose cartilage/bone to stimulate healing (Micofracture of OCL)
Extra bone which is blocking joint movement (Cheilectomy)
What can I expect on the day of surgery?
The surgery will normally be under a general anaesthetic.
Normally this is a day surgery case (unless the ankle arthroscopy is part of a bigger surgery).
I will numb the ankle with local anaesthetic so that you will be comfortable when you wake.
There will be a big bandage on your ankle which you will later remove
You will be given crutches
What are the risks and complications?
The vast majority of patients do extremely well. A small group of patients need extra physio due to swelling or stiffness. Rare complications include infection, blood clots (DVT), nerve damage, tendon injury & failure to improve.
What can I expect if I have ankle arthritis and I have this surgery?
The surgery will be slow to recover from even though the surgery is keyhole
The reason for doing this surgery will be to stop extra bony edges from entrapping the joint lining and pinching it
The extra bone also restricts movement
At the time of surgery it may be that you also have a keyhole heel shift to realign the ankle and to allow your weight to go onto the better areas of cartilage
If you have large cysts near the joint these can be filled with bone substitute via a mini incision
The goal of the surgery is to tidying up the ankle joint and to give you more years before you face making the decision about either ankle replacement or ankle fusion. It should lesson your ankle symptoms eventually but will not make your ankle normal
The surgery is not appropriate for all patients with arthritis. Some patients have arthritis which is too severe.
When can I drive?
The best guide that you are safe to return to driving is that you are able to walk well without crutches. The usual time scale also depends on whether you had surgery on your right or left foot and whether you drive a manual or an automatic.
If you have just keyhole surgery without a heel shift or bone grafting:
Right side and all car types: 2-3 wks
Left side and manual car: 2-3 wks
Left side & automatic car: 1 week
If you keyhole surgery with a heel shift and/or bone grafting of cysts:
Right side and all car types: 6-8 wks
Left side and manual car: 6-8 wks
Left side & automatic car: 2 wks
How long should I take off work?
You will need to be at home for two weeks. Many patients do some work from home via a laptop and emails but a break from commuting to work is a must!
The Recovery after Ankle Arthroscopy
What are my Weight bearing Instructions?
Cheilectomy >> Start Touch Weightbearing- progress as able
Cheilectomy+ Heel shift >> Non Weightbearing in Aircast boot for 2 weeks
Instructions for the first two weeks
Elevate Leg Above Heart
Keep dry for two weeks
Reduce outer dressing at 48 hrs & apply tubigrip
Keep Adhesive dressing intact
Ice Ankle (Wrap ice in towel) for 15 minutes each time. Do this every few hours
Physio Exercises: Get your ankle moving! Do the following every waking hour 10-15 times
A) Alternate the ankle between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
B) Alternate the ankle between inversion and eversion
C) Draw the Alphabet with your big toe. This will encourage the ankle to move in all directions.
D) Seated Calf Raise
Sit in a chair
Lift your heel as far as possible while keeping your toes on the floor.
Repeat 10 x
I will arrange to have your sutures removed and to check your wound
You will then be able to wash the ankle
You should schedule your first physiotherapy session for 2 weeks
Continue to work on range of motion but progress to towel or standing stretches
Contrast bathing,
Wound massage (self) for 3 months
Local modalities to reduce swelling
Start to work on strengthening
Theraband Resistance
Cycling on stationary cycle
Progressing to double heel rises
Swimming, Hydrotherapy
Start some early proprioception (balance) work by standing on skipping rope to create a slightly uneven surface
Progress to the Surrey Stages to Strengthen Ankle

You can go up and down on tiptoes in sets of 3, slowly and 15 reps in each
You can stand on a skipping rope and adjust your foot position
You can hold a DHR for 15 seconds
It can be difficult to progress to the next award level because the ankle will take double the weight when you move to lifting the good leg to lower only on the operated leg.
You are better to stay at the bronze award level but to add in a back pack with increasing weight as you feel ready for more
When you have done this for some time you will be ready to progress to the silver award level
May need to add weight in backpack on DHR to reach silver level
You go up on both feet but lift unoperated leg and lower slowly only on operated leg
3 sets, working up to 15 reps in each
You can stand both feet on a wobble board
You can hold a solid DHR for 20 seconds
3 sets, working up to 15 reps in each
You can stand on one foot on wobble board
You can hold a solid DHR for 40+ seconds
Progress to hopping in all directions
Double Hops
Gentle jogging to reintroduce running